Unsere Aktion zum GivingTuesday
[y]our 2040 is a global community of disbursed people who come together to create visions, pathways and actions towards a regenerative and thriving future. We believe in the power of the future, in the impact of positive visions and in the strength of community and sharing. For GivingTuesday we are doing two things, and we hope you join us!
1) Create and share your vision of a positive future. This can be short or long; artistic or structured; written or verbal, and shared via any format the author so chooses. The second part of this is we ask that you share with at least one other person. Encouraging positive visions have the opportunity to help us all.
2) Donate. [y]our 2040 is a not-for-profit Swiss Verein; it is a startup who is actively fundraising to continue delivering its work and to expand into other regions around the world.
Hier kannst Du mehr über unsere Aktion erfahren
Wir stellen uns vor
[y]our 2040 is a Swiss Verein founded to accelerate the transition to a regenerative future. We are a membership organization whose members are action oriented individuals who share a passion for, and commitment to, making the world a better place. We are a community driven think-tank, network-of-networks and platform. We convene an intentionally diverse group of people from varied genders, professions, backgrounds and outlooks to share knowledge through hosted dialogues, to share insights through curated personal interaction, to generate ideas through facilitated workshops and to execute projects which are relevant to our mission. In 2023, we kicked off our Envisioning Tomorrow program. Here we work in collaboration with other groups, organizations and teams to develop positive visions for [y]our collective future with the ambition to inspire and encourage people to believe a better future is possible and to take action where they are. We are very open to others joining this cause with us!